No This Blog isn’t Dead LOL!!

No This Blog isn’t Dead LOL!!

Sorry for being gone for So Very Long. I have been doing research. Getting thing ready for a whole new set of Posts that should be coming out in the middle of May Beginning of June. I have some Exciting New things To post for you guys. Hope You guys are still hanging strong with me. I am working on Some brand new stuff that should help you all have fun learning about the world of the Paranormal.


Hello my name is Honor Hawk River. I am a 30 year old person. I am neither male nor am I female. I am just a person who wishes post information that can be helpful to you. If at any time you have questions please feel free to contact me with the questions via the comments section. Now I am not claiming to know everything but I have done years of research and read a lot so believe me when I say I can answer nearly any question I am posed.

Now, that being said, I am not above saying I don’t know the answer but I also will try everything I can to find the answer first. I also can’t answer philosophical questions like, “What is the meaning of life?” I don’t think anyone can answer that and be correct. I will do what I can to answer many different questions.

This is the first time I have written this kind of thing so please forgive me if my grammar stinks or if I misspell a word because I am not perfect. I also am asking in advance that people not dog on me if you don’t like the information I present here. I do try to remain as unbiased as possible but everyone has opinions about something so please keep that in mind when reading this. Please kind to others as they share their views as well.

Finally I don’t condone cyber bullying if your comments are offensive or come off as rude they will be deleted. If it happens for the same person more than once they will be black listed. I will not put up with rude people or bullying. If you have issues with the topics then may I suggest you look somewhere else for your answer. This is the only warning you will get.